Stratolloon Platform
Cloud solution for teams and organizations. Create multiple projects & dashboards. Automate data ingestions from satellite & in-situ sources. Implement analytics. Discover trends & opportunities for your business.
What's included
Multiplatform (Web, iOS, Android)
For individuals & teams
Built for GIS Experts & Data Scientist
API Connection
24x7 Full Access
Premium Support
per user per month
Coming soon
Actionable interactive panels & custom reports for privates companies and governments that want to leverage their geospatial knowledge.
What's included
Custom Audit
Multiple data sources
Advance visualizations
1-Month Support
Pay once
Algorithms and advanced visualization & analytics tools for developers & decision-makers. Discover how to make a geodata-driven business with our solutions.
What's included
All from Insights
Custom Algorithms
API integration
3-Month Support
Pay once